Saral Pro

Salary Head Creation In Saral PayPack- Part 2

Hello Everyone, 

Continuation to the previous post, In this post we will be learning on 

  • How to import the Salary heads using an excel file.
  • How to expand the capacity for salary head creation?

Let us begin with it,

How to import the Salary heads using an excel file.

To import the salary heads, navigate to Define Salary heads under Master Module, and click on Export to download the excel template.

Fill the details in the excel sheet, For fields like Type, Open Component, Calc Field select the value from the drop-down list and Enter the other details like Salary heads and Print Name.

On entering the required details, Save the file and click on Import to upload the data.

On Successful message, The data will be uploaded and click on Save to save the details.

Note : 

On importing the data, An excel file will be auto- generated which shows the status of the details that is imported

Next, let us learn about : 

How to expand the capacity for salary head creation?

In the Saral PayPack application, By default we can define 31 Earning heads and 32 Deduction heads. To extend the row, click on Extended.

 Click on Settings, enter the Implementation Access Code code and enable the option.

This ends the reading to additional settings in the Saral head creation in saral PayPack