GSTR 1 – Entry in Saral Pro
Hello Everyone,
In this post, we will see the process of adding transaction details in GSTR 1 of Saral Pro.
To start with, navigate to GSTR 1 and click on the Entry tab. Next, select the financial year and month. The various categories of transactions will be listed as per the option settings done in the GST dashboard.

The different categories are B2B, B2C, Import, Credit Note, Advance received, etc. Select the required transaction category and click on the “+” icon.

In the sub-screen, enter the details of the transaction like;
- Invoice no, Invoice Date,
- Party Name (from the party master). The GSTIN, Place of Supply, and transaction type (Intra/Inter) will be selected automatically upon selecting the Party Name.
- Item details, HSN Code, Amount details, GST rate
- At last, the Taxable Amount is auto-calculated
Note: Multiple entries can be entered under a single entry. To add the additional line, click on the “+” icon.
- Document Value will display the sum of the total entries of the entries.
On entering the above details, click on Update to save the details. The details will then be visible under the Entry tab for the specific category.

If you must edit the record, click on the 🖊️ button against the record. Similarly, select the record and click the “Delete” icon to delete the records.
You can download the details in a CSV format by selecting the required records and clicking the “CSV” option.
If applicable under the E-Invoice scheme, directly import the B2B, SEZ, Import and Credit note transaction details to this window by clicking on “Get E-Invoice Data”.