TDS file import in Saral TDS
Hello. In this post, we will look into importing Consolidated Statement (.TDS) file into Saral TDS.
Consolidated Statement file or.TDS file is made available by TRACES for a particular FY, Quarter, Form on request by the Deductor for Correction Return filing. This file can also be used for re-creating a file in case the file used for regular return filing is lost.
In Saral TDS, the import can be done in two ways i.e. Single file import and Bulk file import.
First, we shall see the process of single file import.
After requesting and downloading the .TDS file from TRACES, open Saral TDS and select Text / .TDS File Import under the Import/Export menu.
Now, in the displayed window, select the .tds file extracted from the ZIP file downloaded from the TRACES website.
Note: The password for extracting .TDS file is <<Request Number_TAN>>
After selecting the file, click on Import and the details will be imported into Saral TDS.
The details imported can be viewed the specific Form & Quarter.
Next, we will see the process of Bulk .TDS file import.
Please note that, the feature of Bulk .TDS file is available only in the Professional edition of Saral TDS.
To import .TDS files in bulk, go to Multi .TDS Import option under File Menu.
In the import window, select the FY for import and select the required option.
Options are:
- Same TAN and FY .TDS/.TXT Data in one DataFile: The .TDS files are of the same TAN and FY but of different Form and Quarter. Hence, a single file will be created.
- Each .TDS/.TXT Data in different Data File: The .TDS files belong to different TAN. Hence, individual files for each .TDS file will be created.
Next, select the location of the file to be created and also the location from where the files are to be read for import.
Note: Other Location to read the files in other than the default data directory path of the system.
Enable the type of file being imported i.e .TDS file or .TXT file (.TXT or text file is the output generated by the software along with .FVU file). Then, click on Match Files to identify the files in the selected folder.
The matched files will be displayed on the screen. Select the required files and click on Import.
- If the TAN & FY of the files are the same, then the files will be merged into a single file.
E.g. If files being imported are 24Q-Q4, 26Q-Q3, 26Q-Q4 of the same TAN & FY, then a single file will be created from all the 3 files. - If Form 24Q file is imported, then the employee category (Male/Female/Senior/Very Senior) detail will not be imported. Similarly, Chapter VIA details individual details for section 80C, and 80G will not be available.
- The Filename will be auto taken based on the TAN and the FY of the file.
Confirm the import to the required destination path and the process will begin.
On completion of import, the new files can be view in the selected folder.
This completes the process of importing the Consolidated Statement (.TDS) file into Saral TDS.