Setting up of additional mandatory fields while adding employees
Hello Everyone,
In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through setting up additional mandatory fields when adding employees in Saral PayPack.
As we all know, In saral Paypack while adding employees By default, certain fields are marked as mandatory and highlighted in gray. However, if you need to make additional fields mandatory beyond the default ones, you can easily do so.
To start, navigate to the Emp. Master Mandatory Settings under the Master menu.
In this section, you’ll find a list of all available fields. To make a field mandatory, simply enable the checkbox next to the field name. Once you’ve selected the fields you want to make mandatory, click on Save.
It’s important to note that, although these fields won’t appear in gray on the Employee Master page, they will still be enforced as mandatory when adding new employees.
Thus ends the reading to Setting up of additional mandatory fields while adding employees