This post will teach us to work on the Saral Web extension for offline processes.
First: Download the Extension file.
Navigate to the Request / Downloads option in the Saral Pro application and click on Download Software, as highlighted in the below screenshot.
Note: The software exe can also be downloaded from the e-Return window.
Check for the minimum configuration requirement and click on Download to download the extension file.
Click on the steps to find out how to install the software.
On Successful installation, sign in with your SARAL PRO login credentials. The application will lead us to the dashboard of the software.
The Entity list and the files under each entity will be fetched from Saral Pro. Select the required file for which forms must be generated and click the TDS option.
In the TDS Window, various options will be displayed. Select the respective financial year for which the files have to be generated.
Now, let us walk through each available option to generate the file.
FVU Creation and Validation
Through this option, we can generate the FVU file offline. Select the respective Return Period, Form and Type from the drop-down list and click validate. On successful validation, Form 27A and FVU files will be generated.
FVU Upload
This option allows us to upload the Forms directly to the department website through DSC verification.
Select the form details to be uploaded along with the Upload type, and read the FVU Zip file. Verify using DSC is the only option currently available for verification which will be selected by default. Lastly, click on upload, which will navigate to the ITD website for file submission.
The deductee details can be verified for their 206AB applicability through this option. The deductees listed in the deductee master of Saral Pro will be displayed here. Select the deductee(s) and click on Verify.
Enter the login credentials for the Insight portal with encryption and click on Save.
On Verifying, if the deductee is applicable under the 206AB category, navigate back to Saral Pro and update the deductee details by enabling the option “206AB/206CCA is Applicable”.
Transaction Based Report Generation
Using this option, we can generate transaction-based reports downloaded from the TRACES website in PDF format. This option will be available only if Form 27Q (TDS for Non-Residents) is enabled in Saral Pro.
Read the Zip file downloaded from the TRACES and click on Generate PDF.
If you want the PDF to be digitally signed after PDF generation, enable the digital signature option, read the PFX file or USB token, and click Digitally Sign PDF.
The PDF report generated can also be emailed to the required recipient by clicking on Email.
Form 16
In this window, we can generate Form 16 in PDF from the file downloaded from the TRACES website.
First, read the Part A zip file and click on Generate Part – A PDF option to generate the Part A files. Then, read the Part B zip file and click on Generate Part – B PDF option for Part B files.
The output folder will be auto-taken, which can be changed if required.
Enable Digital signature if the files must be digitally signed and read the PFX or USB token before generating the PDF files.
To merge Part A and Part B, click Merge Part A and Part B. To email the generated PDF to the employees, click the Email option.
Note: If Part A and Part B were digitally signed, such files cannot be merged.
Form 16A Generation
The process of Form 16A generation is similar to Transaction based report generation. Read the zip file downloaded from TRACES and generate the required files.
From 27D Generation
The generation of Form 27D is similar to the process of Form 16A generation. This option will be available only, if Form 27EQ (TCS) is enabled in Saral Pro.
Traces Track Correction Request
If you have applied for an Online Correction in the TRACES portal, such a request can be tracked through this option.
Select the Web Browser through which you want to log in to the TRACES website and click on Proceed.
Now, enter the form details for which correction is requested and click on Track to get the request’s current status.
View Login details
In this option, we can save ITD and TRACES login credentials for direct access to the portal.
Traces login, Income Tax Login and Income Tax E-Pay Tax
We can log in to the TRACES and Income Tax Portal from this option.
Select the web browser through which you want to log in to the websites and click on Proceed.
The login credentials will be auto-fetched if we have saved the login details in the application. If not, it has to be entered manually in the respective portal and click on Login.
Here ends the reading to Saral Web Extension for Desktop Working.