
Hello All,

In this post, we will learn about the Reports that are available in Saral Pro.

Navigate to the Report option and select the Financial Year & Form for generating the reports. Next, click on icon M to set the report duration to Month-wise or Q to set to  Quarter-wise format.

Let us now look into each report type. All the report types that are available for each form will be displayed when the Form is selected. Set the duration and continue to view/download the reports.

  1. Interest Calculation: This report will provide the details of the interest payable in case of late payment. The information can be downloaded for a specific section or a deductee based on whether the tax is already paid or yet to be paid.

In unpaid deductions, we must provide additional details on when we intend to pay the tax at As on column.

2. Challan Register / ePayment Extract/ Form 3CD: These reports can be directly downloaded in Excel Format by clicking the Download button next to each tile.

3. Deduction Details, TDS/TCS extract, TDS payment Register: These reports are downloaded based on the section for which the information is needed or the deductee-based report.

Click on the View icon, Select the section/deductee name and click Download. To download the details in bulk, directly click on Bulk Download.

Form 24Q has two additional reports called Tax Comparison in Salary and Saral TDS Detailed Report.

To generate the reports mentioned earlier, click the View option and select the Name of the Employee or the PAN of the Employee.

To download the report for all employees, click on Bulk download.

Note: Tax Comparison in Salary can be generated in two formats of Excel.

Here ends the reading to the Reports section in Saral Pro.