Excel Integration in Saral GST
Hello everyone.
In this post, we will see the process of Integrating Excel with Saral GST for automating the process of E-Invoice generation.
Excel Integration is a customized process in Saral GST where the details required for E-Invoicing will be automatically taken from a pre-defined Excel file and uploaded to the IRP website. After uploading, the validated file will auto downloaded to the defined path from where the PDF copy of the signed invoice can be generated.
Before going for integration settings in Saral GST, ensure that:
- The required input data folder is created i.e. the folder from where the Excel file will be placed in which the E-Invoicing details are present.
- The required output data folder is created i.e. the folder where the E-Invoice Json file downloaded from the department website will be saved.
- The required template is created in Saral GST.
First, let us see the creation of the required template in Saral GST.
Here, we will be mapping the details for import as per an external Excel file which contains the details of E-Invoicing.
Go to Excel Import under the E-Invoice menu.
Here, click on Template.
The E-Invoice Template Mapping window will be displayed. Enter the required name for the template and the data starting row no as in the Excel file which contains the E-Invoicing details.
Now, select the data type one-by-by from the left side column and transfer it to the right side column.
After transferring, select the column name against the data type, as available in the external Excel file of E-Invoicing.
Note: If any mandatory fields are not listed in the right column, then the same will be listed on the save of the template.
After all the settings are done save and exit.
Now, we will see the Integration configuration in Saral GST.
Go to E-Invoice menu and select Settings under ERP/SAP Integration.
Here, click on Enable auto syncing of E-Invoicing and enter the duration for auto sync.
Next, select Excel Customized Integration. For settings, trace the Input folder and output folder as explained before.
Now, select the Template name (create through excel mapping) from the dropdown.
Save the settings and exit. The E-Invoicing process will be automated as the duration set and the output folder will contain the downloaded Json file of the uploaded Invoices.
To view and print the downloaded invoices, go to View/Upload under E-Invoice.
Here, select the date range and all the invoices uploaded will be displayed. To print the E-Invoice, click on Print and the PDF copy of the E-Invoice will be generated.
To view the imported sequence details, go to the E-Invoice menu, and select Imported Log under ERP/SAP Integration.
Here, one can see the synchronization log w.r.t invoices imported, invoices which failed to be imported, uploaded invoices, and invoices that failed to be uploaded.
In case of failure, the error message will be displayed which can be rectified in the Excel template for proper upload.
This completes Excel Integration in Saral GST for E-Invoicing.