Saral Pro

Company Creation and Master Settings in Saral PayPack

In this write up we will see how to do company creation and Master settings in Saral PayPack which is required to be done before starting the process.

Let us start.

First, we will see the creation of a new file. To create a new file, go to New option under the File menu.

It will display the file creation window. Here enter the required details like : 

  • Enter the file name required for your identification and select the required server name from the dropdown list
  • Server Name will be database name where your file details will be stored. It will be generally your SYSTEM NAME\RELYONDB or similar name based on the installation of the database in your system
  • If the required server name is not found, click on Refresh to refresh the list
  • On entering the above details click on Create.

Note : If the file is required to be more secure, enable SQL Authentication for the database by clicking on the tick box. Here, enter the username and password as applicable. By default, the user name is sa & the password is reladmin@123. If the password is changed during the installation of the software, the same has to be provided here.

Next, click on the Data File Setting Tab to set the data file path.

Here, you can specify a different data path for the MDF & LDF path. This is required to store a copy of the details in a different location and secure the information. Click on the 3 dotted (…) button to browse and select the required path.

After entering all the details, click on Create which will create the new file.

Next, enter the company details. Go to the Initial settings menu and select Company details.

Enter the details like : 

Company Details :

  • company name, responsible person name for company process, company address, company phone no and mail id, company website, and company CIN.

Statutory Details like PF, ESI, PT and TDS etc., :

  • PF

  1. If the company is applicable for PF, enable the PF checkbox and provide company PF registration number along with DBF file code details.
  2. If the employees of the company have voluntary PF contribution, then enable PF Vol.
  3. If the company have multiple PF registration( i.e., Different PF registration for different branch) then enable Multiple Group.

  • ESI : 

  1. If the company is applicable for ESI, enable the ESI checkbox and provide the company ESI registration number along with local office details.
  2. If the Employer contribution has to be calculated individually for each employee, then enable Individually calculate employer ESI option. 
  3. If the ESI contribution has to be restricted to ESI gross (Rs. 21000) then enable the Limit ESI Gross option. 
  4. If the company has multiple ESI registration (in case of different ESI registration for each branch) then enable the Multiple Group option.

  • TDS : 

  1. TDS deduction from your employee salary, then enable TDS check box and enter the Company TAN and Company type details.

  • PT : 

  1.  Enable PT if it is applicable in the state.

The remaining options for enabling will depend on company requirements. Like, if the company provides a bonus, enable the Bonus option. If gratuity calculation is required, enable Gratuity option and if Supplementary Salary Calculation is required i.e. PF and ESI deduction of Arrear calculation, then enable Sup. Salary option.

If you want to save a soft copy of company details in software, click on Documents.

Here, you can attach a document through the Include File option. Similarly, you can open or delete the attached file using Open and Delete options, respectively.

You can also add extra information regarding the company by clicking on Ext. Info option.

Here the details like Company establishment details, Responsible person details, etc. can be saved.

This completes the process of entering the company details and also the master settings in Saral PayPack.