
Compliance calendar FY 2024-25

Tax Compliance Calendar India - FY 2024-25

What is a compliance calendar?

Every organisation has a compliance calendar that records important dates with deadlines and actions applicable to their business activities and legal structures throughout the year.

As an example, the annual review of council policies, the council meeting, the annual general meeting, the performance indicator, internal audit performance, team performance, compliance audit return, and the date of filing can be included.

Significance of compliance calendar

It might be difficult to organise all of the upcoming compliance details and deadlines. As a result, a compliance calendar is a valuable tool for managing and organising your organisation’s compliance plans. 

It keeps track of and prioritises important dates and deadlines linked to critical rules, reporting responsibilities, files, permits, and accreditations. It helps in identifying critical compliance dates and clarifying the organisation of compliance actions.

Compliance calendar of FY 2024-25 for the month of July 2024


Monday 1 

Filing of LLP BEN-2 and Form No. 4D

Sunday 7

TDS Payment in June 2024 

Wednesday 10

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for June 2024

 *Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. ^

Thursday 11

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for June 2024

Saturday 13 

GSTR-1 (April to June 2024) for QRMP

Monday 15

TCS Return on Form 27EQ for April–June 2024

Monday 15 

Provident Fund (PF) and ESI Returns and Payments for June 2024

Thursday 18

CMP 08 for April – June 2024 (Composition)

Saturday 20

GSTR 3B for June 2024(Monthly)

22 Monday

GSTR 3B (April—June 2024) for South India

24 Wednesday 

GSTR 3B (April–June 2024) for North India.

30 Tuesday

TCS Certificates in Form 27D for April-June 2024

30 Tuesday

TDS Payment on Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments), and 26QE (Crypto Assets) for June 2024.

31 Wednesday 

 Income Tax Returns for Individuals and Non-Corporations Who Are Not Subject to Tax Audit for FY 2023-24

31 Wednesday 

TDS Return on Form 24Q, 26Q, and 27Q for April-June 2024

Compliance calendar of FY 2024-25 for the month of June 2024


Friday  7

TDS Payment in May 2024

Monday 10

Professional tax (PT) on salaries in May 2024.

*Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. ^

Tuesday 11

GSTR-1 (Monthly) for May 2024

Thursday 13

GSTR 1 IFF (Optional) (May 2024) QRMP

Saturday 15

Advance tax payment for April-June 2024 (1st instalment)

Saturday 15

Provident Fund (PF) and ESI Returns Payment for May 2024

Saturday 15

Issuance of TDS Certificates Form 16/16A for January-March 2024

Thursday 20

GSTR 3B for May 2024(Monthly)

Tuesday 25

GST Challan Payment if there is insufficient ITC for May 2024 (for all quarterly filers)

Sunday 30

Form DPT 3 for Fiscal Year 2023-24 for Companies

Sunday 30  

Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments), and 26QE (Crypto Assets) for May 2024.

Sunday 30 

IEC Code Renewal


Compliance calendar of FY 2024-25 for the month of May 2024


  Tuesday  7

TDS Payment for April 2024

Friday 10

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for April 2024

  Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. ^

Saturday 11

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for April 2024

Monday 13

GSTR 1 IFF (Optional) (Apr 2024) for QRMP

Wednesday 15

TCS Return in Form 27EQ for Jan-Mar 2024 Quarter

Wednesday 15

Provident Fund (PF) & ESI Returns Payment for April 2024

Wednesday 15

Filing of LLP BEN-2 and Form No. 4D

Monday 20

GSTR 3B for April 2024 (Monthly) (refer GST Update)

Saturday 25

GST Challan Payment if no sufficient ITC for Apr 2024 (for all Quarterly Filers) (refer GST Update)

Thursday 30

Form 11 for FY 2023-24 for LLP’s

Thursday 30 

TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments), 26QE (Crypto Assets) for Apr 2024

Thursday 30 

Issue of TCS Certificates in Form 27D for Jan to March 2024

Friday 31 

TDS Return in Form 24Q, 26Q, and 27Q for Jan-Mar 2024

Friday 31 

Due date for furnishing of statement u/s 285BA For FY 2023-24 (For Banks etc.)


Compliance calendar of FY 2024-25 for the month of April 2024


Tuesday  9 

Setup Online Accounting Software for FY 2024-25.

Wednesday 10

FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25) IT eFiling Start Date.

Wednesday 10

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for March 2024.

 *Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. ^

Thursday 11

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for March 2024

Saturday 13

GSTR-1 (Jan-Mar 2024) for QRMP

Monday 15

Provident Fund (PF) & ESI Returns Payment for March 2024

Thursday 18

CMP 08 for Jan to Mar 2024 (Composition)

Saturday 20

GSTR 3B for March 2024 (Monthly)

Monday 22

GSTR 3B (Jan-Mar 2024) for South India

Wednesday 24

GSTR 3B (Jan-Mar 2024) for North India. 

Tuesday 30 

Opt in / Opt out of GST Quarterly scheme for April to June 2024

Tuesday 30 

TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) , 26QE (Crypto Assets) for Mar 2024

Tuesday 30 

TDS Payment for March 2024

Tuesday 30 

GSTR-4 (FY 2023-24) for Composition taxpayers


Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of March 2024


Saturday 2

TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) for Jan 2024

Thursday 7

TDS Payment for Feb 2024

Sunday 10 

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for Feb 2024

 *Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. 

Monday 11 

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for Feb 2024

Wednesday 13

GSTR 1 IFF (Optional) (Feb 2024) for QRMP

Thursday 14

Founder’s Day @

Friday 15 

  • Advance Tax Payment for Jan to Mar 2024.
  • Tax Planning & Book Closure Plan for FY 2023-24.
  • Provident Fund (PF) & ESI Returns and Payment for Feb 2024.
  • Form 13 (Nil / Lower TDS) for FY 2023-24.

Wednesday 20

GSTR 3B for Feb 2024 (Monthly)

Monday 25

GST Challan Payment if no sufficient ITC for Feb 2024 (for all Quarterly Filers)

Saturday 30

TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) for Feb 2024

Sunday 31

Last Date for Updated ITR for FY 2020-21 (For FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23 the due date would be 31st Mar 2025 and 2026 respectively).


Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of February 2024


        Wednesday 7

Paying TDS in January 2024

        Saturday 10

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for Jan 2024

 *Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. ^

        Sunday 11

Monthly GSTR 1 for January 2024

Tuesday 13

GSTR 1 IFF (Optional) for QRMP (January 2024)

        Thursday 15

January 2024 Provident Fund (PF) and ESI Returns and Payment

        Thursday 15

Issue of TDS Certificates in Form 16A for Oct to Dec 2023

   Tuesday 20

GSTR 3B (Monthly) for January 2024

      Sunday 25

If there is insufficient ITC for January 2024, all quarterly filers must pay the GST Challan.


Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of January 2024


         Sunday 7 

TDS Payment for December 2023.

        Wednesday 10

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for Dec 2023

  •   Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. ^

       Thursday 11

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for Dec 2023

       Saturday 13

GSTR-1 (Oct-Dec 2023) for QRMP

Monday 15

  • TCS Return in Form 27EQ for Oct-Dec 2023
  • Provident Fund (PF) & ESI Returns and Payment for Dec 2023

      Thursday 18

CMP 08 for Oct to Dec 2023 (Composition)

      Saturday 20

GSTR 3B for Dec 2023 (Monthly).

Monday 22

GSTR 3B (Oct-Dec 2023) for South India.

Wednesday 24

GSTR 3B (Oct-Dec 2023) for North India.

   Tuesday 30

  • TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) for Dec 2023.
  • Issue of TCS Certificates in Form 27D for Oct to Dec 2023

      Wednesday 31 

TDS Return in Form 24Q,26Q,27Q for Oct to Dec 2023


Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of December 2023



          Thursday 7 

TDS Payment for Nov 2023

            Sunday 10 

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for Nov 2023.

*Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help.

      Monday 11

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for Nov 2023. 

        Wednesday 13

GSTR 1 IFF (Optional) (Nov 2023) for QRMP

          Friday 15

  • Advance tax Payment for Oct to Dec 2023
  • Provident Fund (PF) & ESI Returns and Payment for Nov 2023

    Wednesday 20

GSTR 3B for Nov 2023 (Monthly)

        Monday 25

GST Challan Payment if no sufficient ITC for Nov 2023 (for all Quarterly Filers)

          Saturday 30

TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) for Nov 2023

      Sunday 31

  • Due date for Belated and Revised Income Tax Filing for AY 2023-24 for all Non Corporate’s and Corporate’s
  • GST Annual Return Filing for FY 2022-23(GSTR-9 & 9C)

Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of November 2023


           Tuesday 7 

TDS Payment for Sep 2023

           Friday 10

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for Oct 2023

  •   Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. ^

    Saturday  11 

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for Oct 2023

        Monday 13

GSTR 1 IFF (Optional) (Oct 2023) for QRMP

        Wednesday 15

  • Provident Fund (PF) & ESI Returns and Payment for Oct 2023
  • Issue of TDS Certificates in Form 16A for July to Sep 2023

      Monday 20

GSTR 3B for Oct 2023 (Monthly)

      Saturday 25

GST Challan Payment if no sufficient ITC for Oct 2023 (for all Quarterly Filers)

     Wednesday 29


MGT 7/7A Filing for Companies & OPC for FY 2022-23

      Thursday 30


  • Labour Licence renewal for Calendar Year 2024 (Jan to Dec 2024)
  • TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) for Oct 2023

Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of October 2023


  Saturday 7 

TDS Payment for Sep 2023

Tuesday 10

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for Sep 2023

*Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. ^

Wednesday 11

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for Sep 2023

Friday 13

GSTR-1 (Jul-Sep 2023) for QRMP

      Thursday 14  

ADT-1 filing (Appointment of an Auditor for Companies)

Sunday 15

  • TCS Return in Form 27EQ for Jul-Sep 2023
  • Provident Fund (PF) & ESI Returns and Payment for Sep 2023
  • Issue of TCS Certificates in Form 27D for April to June 2023

 Wednesday 18

CMP 08 for July to Sep 2023 (Composition)

 Friday 20

GSTR 3B for Sep 2023 (Monthly)

Sunday  22

GSTR 3B (Jul-Sep 2023) for South India

Tuesday 24

GSTR 3B (Jul-Sep 2023) for North India

Sunday  29  

 AOC 4 Filing for Companies for FY 2022-23

Monday 30

  • Form 8 Filing for LLP’s for FY 2022-23
  • TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) for Sep 2023
  • Issue of TCS Certificates in Form 27D for July to Sep 2023

Tuesday 31

  • Income Tax Returns for Non Corporate’s who needs Audit and Corporates for FY 2022-23
  • TDS Returns in Form 24Q,26Q,27Q for July to Sep 2023

Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of September 2023


Thursday 7

TDS Payment for Aug 2023

Sunday 10 

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for Aug 2023

 *Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. 

      Monday 11

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for Aug 2023

      Wednesday 13

GSTR 1 IFF (Optional) (Aug 2023) for QRMP

          Friday 15

  • Advance tax Payment for July to Sep 2023
  • Provident Fund (PF) & ESI Returns and Payment for Aug 2023

   Wednesday 20

GSTR 3B for Aug 2023 (Monthly)

      Monday 25 

GST Challan Payment if no sufficient ITC for Aug 2023 (for all Quarterly Filers)

Wednesday 27

AOC 4 Filing by One Person Companies for FY 2022-23 (OPC)

Saturday 30 

  • Audit Report in Form 3CB-3CD and 3CA-3CD for Non Corporate’s and Corporate’s for FY 2022-23
  • Annual General Meeting for Companies
  • * DIR 3 KYC for Directors of Company’s and LLP’s
  • TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) for Aug 2023
  • TCS Return in Form 27EQ for Apr-Jun 2023

Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of August 2023


    Monday 7

TDS Payment for July 2023

      Thursday 10

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for July 2023

  *Professional Tax Due Date Varies from State to State. Kindly Contact for Expert help. 

    Friday 11

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for July 2023

  Sunday 13

GSTR 1 IFF (Optional) (Jul 2023) for QRMP

        Tuesday 15
  • Issue of TDS Certificates in Form 16A for April to June 2023
  • Provident Fund (PF) & ESI Returns and Payment for July 2023
     Sunday 20

GSTR 3B for July 2023(Monthly)

    Friday 25 

GST Challan Payment if no sufficient ITC for Jul 2023 (for all Quarterly Filers)

    Wednesday 30

TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) for July 2023


Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of July 2023

            Friday 7

TDS payment for June 2023

        Monday 10 

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for June 2023

          Tuesday 11

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for June 2023 

      Thursday 13

GSTR-1 (Apr-Jun 2023) for QRMP 

        Sunday 15 

  • TCS Return in Form 27EQ for Apr-Jun 2023 
  • Provident Fund (PF) & ESI Returns and Payment for June 2023  

          Tuesday 18

CMP 08 for Apr to June 2023 (Composition)

          Thursday 20

GSTR 3B for June 2023 (Monthly) 

          Sunday 22

GSTR 3B (Apr-Jun 2023) for South India 

          Monday 24

GSTR 3B (Apr-Jun 2023) for North India

        Saturday 30 

Issue of TCS Certificates in Form 27D for April to June 2023 

  • TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) for June 2023

        Monday 31 

Income Tax returns for Individuals, Non-Corporates who are not liable to Tax Audit for FY 2022-23

  • TDS Return in Form 24Q,26Q for April to June FY 2022-23 
  • INC 22A Filing for Companies

Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of June 2023


         Wednesday 7 

TDS Payment for April 2023

         Saturday 10 

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries for April 2023

         Sunday 11 

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for May 2023

        Tuesday 13 

GSTR 1 IFF (Optional) (May 2023) for QRMP

        Thursday 15

Advance tax Payment for April to June 2023 (1st Installment)

  • Provident fund (PF) & ESI returns payment for May 2023
  • Issuance of TDS certificates Form 16/16A for Jan to March 2023 

          Tuesday 20 

GSTR 3B for May 2023(Monthly)

      Saturday 25 

GST Challan Payment if no sufficient ITC for May 2023(for all Quarterly Filers)

           Friday 30 

Form DPT 3 for FY 2022-23 for Companies<

  • TDS Payment in Form 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), 26QD (Contractor Payments) for May 2023
  • IEC Code Renewal

Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of May 2023


Sunday 7

Payment of TDS in April 2023 

Wednesday 10

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries in April 2023

The professional tax deadline varies by state. Please contact for expert support.

Thursday 11 

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for April 2023

Saturday 13

GSTR 1 IFF (Optional) for QRMP (Apr 2023)

Monday 15

TCS Form 27EQ Return for the January-March 2023 Quarter

Monday 15

Payment of Provident Fund (PF) and ESI Returns for April 2023

Saturday 20

GSTR 3B (Monthly) for April 2023 (according to GST Update)

Thursday 25

Payment of GST Challan if there is insufficient ITC for April 2023 (for all Quarterly Filers) (refer to GST Update)

Tuesday 30

Form 11 for the financial year 2022-23 for LLPs

Tuesday 30

TDS payment for April 2023 on Forms 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), and 26QD (Contractor Payments).

Tuesday 30

TCS Certificates in Form 27D for the period January to March 2023

Wednesday 31

TDS Return on Forms 24Q, 26Q, and 27Q for the period January-March 2023

Wednesday 31

Due date for submission of statement under Section 285BA For the FY2022-23 (for banks, etc.)


Compliance calendar of FY 2023-24 for the month of April 2023

Sunday 09

Install Online Accounting Software for Financial Years 2023-24

Monday 10

Start Date for IT e-Filing in FY 2022-23 (AY 2023-24)

Monday 10

Professional Tax (PT) on Salaries in March 2023

The professional tax deadline varies by state. Please contact for assistance.

Tuesday 11

GSTR 1 (Monthly) for the month of March 2023

Thursday 13

GSTR-1 (Jan-Mar 2023) for QRMP

Saturday 15

Payment of Provident Fund (PF) and ESI Returns for March 2023

Tuesday 18

CMP 08 (Composition) for January to March 2023

Thursday 20

GSTR 3B (Monthly) for March 2023

Saturday 22

GSTR 3B (Jan-Mar 2023) for South India

Monday 24

GSTR 3B (Jan-Mar 2023) for North India

Sunday 30

Choose whether to participate in or opt out of the GST Quarterly Scheme from April to June 2023.

Sunday 30

TDS payment for March 2023 on Forms 26QB (Property), 26QC (Rent), and 26QD (Contractor Payments).

Sunday 30

TDS Payment for March 2023

Sunday 30

GSTR-4 (FY 2022-23) for Composition taxpayers


And with that, we end our discussion on the Compliance Calendar FY 2024-25. If you have any questions, drop them in the comment section below.